Below you can find some of the local businesses that have recommended us! We are glad to see people enjoy your food, and share their love for our company. If you are planning an event and would like to serve the food that your guests will be talking about long after your party is over, please give us a call and we will be happy to create the most memorable event for you! Whether it’s BBQ or the whole Pig Roast, we are the catering company that can serve your needs!

DRJ was highly rated for catering, as well as serving up whole roasted pig! They service Ocean and Monmouth County but will travel all of the Garden State to bring you some tasty grub.
Read More: 6 places to get whole roasted pig around ocean county NJ

Tourism of Ocean County wrote about us on their Facebook page
“Meet Ocean County resident David ; owner of DRJ Catering a full service, off-premises, family owned business! David started his catering business ” by accident.” At the time he was running a gourmet deli in Brick. He explained how in 1992 his best friends son made a website and they found a niche with google and the term ” BBQ.” The rest is history in the making of some of the finest BBQ you may ever taste!”